Economic Growth
- India’s 3rd largest economy
- GSDP for 2021-22 : 21.74 trillion (US$ 294.90 billion)
- Growing at 11.39% CAGR (FY15-16 to FY21-22)
- 8% Contribution to national GDP
- 23% Per capita income growth (FY16-20)
- 5th Rank amongst Landlocked States on Export Preparedness Index 2020
~ GSDP District wise
Industrial Corridors
- 15% of DMIC catchment area and 57% of AKIC in Uttar Pradesh
- Intersection of WDFC and EDFC at Greater Noida
- Multi-modal logistic hubs, industrial parks etc. to benefit from reduced travel time to ports
- Abundant land parcels at competitive price
- Balanced availability of water across the state
- 24x7 reliable electricity to industries and provision for open access
Skilled Manpower
- 56% of UP’s 240 million population are in the working age group
- 67 Universities, 5842 Colleges, 370 Polytechnics, 3268 ITIs/ITCs with several research institutes, Centers of Excellence and other vocational institutes
- Industry focused skill development program
~ World Class Institutions
Proactive Governance
- Proactive facilitation and attractive policies
- Simplified procedures and speedy time bound approvals
- Strong industrial security – ‘zero tolerance’ philosophy
Location Advantage
- Access to 240 million plus (16.5% of India’s population) residents
- Access to National Capital Region in the west
- Strategic access to market & resource depth of eastern India
- Literacy Rate : Male-81.8%; Female-63.4%
- Female Male Ratio : 912 Females/1000 Males
- Largest Population size of 24 Crores (17% of India’s total population)
Connectivity & Infrastructure
- Air Connectivity : Major national & international airports connecting the rest of India, Middle East & South East Asian countries; Only state to have 05 International Airports (03 existing & 02 upcoming at Jewar (G. Noida & Ayodhya)
- Railway Network : Largest railway network in the country spanning over 8,949 km; 05 Railway Zones
- Inland Waterway : India’s 1st Inland Waterway is operational in UP (1100 km Haldia - Varanasi tract
- Expressways : Uttar Pradesh boasts state of art expressways ensuring seamless connectivity; 13 Expressways (existing & upcoming)
- Road Network : Largest Road Network in India; 4 Lakh Km Total Road Length 11,737 Km Total National Highway
- Logistics hubs emerging across UP : MMLH Dadri, MMTH Boraki, MMT Varanasi etc
Attractive Incentives Offered Under Various Policies
- 01. Land Rebate Capital Subsidy
- 02. Infrastructure Interest Subsidy
- 03. Stamp Duty Exemption
- 04. State Goods and Service tax Refund
- 05. Capital Interest Subsidy
- 06. Electricity Duty Exemption
- 07. Employees’ Provident Fund Reimbursement
- 08. Transportation Subsidy R & D incentives Skill Development Subsidy

India’s New Growth Engine